I used this Q on dynamic tables as boilerplate: Dynamic TableView - #7 by DominikGrebien
So the use of virtual is a carry over from that code. I assumed it was necessary for dynamically providing the data. In MainView.hx you can see the websock code that recieves the data and invokes a callback to convert json to an ArrayDataSource, which is then supplied to the TableView.dataSource. In the zip of cut down code the data is supplied as in the main-view.xml. So I know the columns up front, but not how many rows of data there will be. I’ll try removing the virtual attribute, though I’m not sure what a “virtual” table is. Does it mean the table is dynamic, and we don’t know the data up front?
The icons are 256x256 PNGs, cos that’s what works with Elgato’s StreamDeck. I just want to display them at that resolution.