Mobile touch application?

So i tested my haxeui app with virtual=true (didnt do that before i guess! :o ) …
The performance is -quite- good then… I mean… not solid 60fps no drops,
but definitely better than non-virtual! … So maybe batching all drawtypes + always virtual could give us 60fps no drops performance… i mean…it should be possible! :slight_smile:

Yeah, i think, for kha implementing a “skip this if its offscreen” in the backend should be there by default really… … … this is kinda what virtual does, but i see no reason not to implement it in haxeui-kha as the “display list” is totally controlled by that backend (ie, there are no sprites, etc).

So, it took a while, but i think a total revamp of the haxeui-kha render system is next on the cards… ill have a crack at it soon - thanks for all the patience / help / sanity checking / testing! :smiley:


Yeah! That sounds like a good plan!
I mean… sure… it took some digging, but things have already come a long way since the first version i tested :slight_smile: And with a revamped render system hopefully performance can reach the level it should be!

For me - i would like to use HaxeUI with Kha for my mobile app dev needs so its im happy to test and (try) to help out! :slight_smile:

(Sidenote: Have been working a lot with Kha these last weeks - Im working on an internal framework for the moment to see if i can move much of my air/openfl dev stuff to Kha. Going quite good so far, i even have flash-style displaylist compability and animate-fla-import-with-timeline support :slight_smile: - Kha is quite versatile )

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flash style display list sounds pretty interesting! Anything public?

Not yet, needs more work still… but i might OS parts of it! Basicly you will be able run atleast quite a bit of openfl / flash code and use assets / layout / symbols / animations from directly Animate. And ofcourse on all of Khas targets :slight_smile:

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… getting there… ive turned off the scissor to make it more obvious but now it shouldnt draw things that would be considered “offscreen”


Nice! Will do some testing :slight_smile:

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Its not going to be the “main” perf fix… the batching is still broken in the git version… looking at that now - that’ll be the big improvement as we worked out previously.

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OK, so if you pull latest git everything it shouldnt break the batching now :slight_smile:

There is still a few other things id like to do while im here, but id be interested to know what your results are


So it breaks everything. :smiley: hehe no… but i am getting an exception :
Here is the error (in js):

kha.js:3790 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'noBatch' of null
at haxe_ui_containers_Box.renderTo (kha.js:3790)
at haxe_ui_core_Screen.renderTo (kha.js:7305)
at kha.js:343
at Function.kha_System.render (kha.js:24912)
at animate (kha.js:25264)
renderTo @ kha.js:3790

1. js__$Boot_HaxeError {val: "End before you begin", stack: "Error: End before you begin↵ at kha_js_graphics…t animate (http://localhost:8080/kha.js:25263:15)"}

  1. message: (...)
  2. val: "End before you begin"
  3. stack: "Error: End before you begin↵ at kha_js_graphics4_Graphics2.begin (http://localhost:8080/kha.js:34579:10)↵ at kha_js_graphics4_Graphics2.begin (http://localhost:8080/kha.js:37010:43)↵ at http://localhost:8080/kha.js:341:8↵ at Function.kha_System.render (http://localhost:8080/kha.js:24911:3)↵ at animate (http://localhost:8080/kha.js:25263:15)"

Hmmm, ok, so it looks like you initialize haxeui differently from me… two secs, ill push a fix.

Ok, can you try again? :slight_smile:

Thanks! That fixed it! :smiley:

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Hm, there’s still something going on here… on html5 the scrolling is smooth, but with androidnative there is still jitter when scrolling… the difference from the last version is not big in my test here… hmm :thinking:

I mean… scrolling in html5 in the mobile browser is smooth also…

Oh? Can you send me your apk? Mine is totally different (perf wise)… You defo got latest haxeui-* ?

Yes, using latest haxeui! …Could it be something related to the scrolling algorithm instead?
Sure, but will do some performance tests first!

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Ok, tested your app here - is it smooth at your end? It seems quite jittery on my phone still

I tried your test app on 3 different phones here now - runs slow on all of them it seems…
Are you sure batching is working? It seems similar to what it was before