Hi all, was checking out the new component and am having trouble finding a way to control the color picker sizing. Meaning, width and height don’t work and percentage doesn’t seem to be working either.
Probably missing something really basic here
The colour picker is experimental, so its possible its a bug… any chance you could share some code / layout just to make sure im understanding correctly?
OK, yeah, its a bug of some description: Builder - HaxeUI
I guess the view is all hardcoded sizes… ill check it out.
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Just really putting it in the app and trying to resize. Nothing fancy.
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OK, so ive fixed the hardcoded sizes in the colour picker, so now you should be able to specify any width and height. Things might get a little squashed at some sizes, so ive also added a few variants (which can be seen in the explorer: Component Explorer - HaxeUI)
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Brilliant, thank you Ian!
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