This is absolutely not related to HaxeUi
but I’m curious if anyone here is working with a M1 Mac and faced any issue using openfl/lime or Haxe in general
I have an error related to a dll and I can’t find anything about it
haxelib/lime/7,9,0//ndll/Mac64/lime.ndll' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e'))
of course it’s an architectural related problem, but I’m surprised no one else out there, in the cloud, faced it 
Yep, I tried but it fails. It looks like an arm64 compilation problem.
But I was mostly wondering why no one else already reported it.
I’ll add an issue on github as soon as I’ll have some time 
But I was mostly wondering why no one else already reported it.
I can only assume most people dont have an M1? Ive defo seen chatter about this on the haxe discord though, so i would assume this will get sorted “at some point”
Sorry i cant be any more help myself, i have a Mac, but not a new one by any means
Yeah, I know … but since M1 Macs are out there since more than a year now, I hoped this kind of issue already popped up
… maybe it’s just me, missing some basics on compiling on different arch
No worries
Well, I can still compile on my old mid12 15’ … until the new battery will die (it started inflating
) as I can’t find 100% compatible ones (that’s the reason why I had to jump on the M1 Train
I’m on an M1 Mac and I’m struggling a little with builds. Here’s what I’ve noticed so far.
Installing Haxe through Homebrew, it seems it just detects the platform as “mac”. This causes it in most cases to build with the -m64 flag, which I guess is x86_64. Since I have Rosetta installed, this usually works. Some tools thinks I’m on an Intel Mac and wants to build both m64 and m32. Once it tries to build x86 it fails, and so those builds don’t succeed for me.
My guess is the proper thing to do is not rely on haxe and haxelib and compile everything specifically for the M1 chip, i.e. arm64e. But I think the toolchains should identify M1 Macs as different, i.e. not -m64 but something else meaning ARM64 Mac.
Right now I’m considering using Haxe, and I don’t know if I’m up for the headache of constantly compiling everything… Dart and Flutter seems to be Haxe and HaxeUI, but it works. Let’s see how hard compiling everything is going to be.
To be fair, openfl/lime kinda work with some errors on lime demos (run as Intel)
So I’m trying to understand what’s different