Failed to run initial project on Windows

I’ve created project like this: haxelib run haxeui-core create openfl and tried to run like this:openfl test nekoas result i got in console Stack overflow and that is all, but haxelib run haxeui-core test html5 worked fine.
In ganeral, I try to make a usual application (*.exe) for windows, but cannt find guide with step by step process to get it using haxe+openfl. Could you help or point or direct me, please


what about openfl test windows or openfl test hl… do either of these work? What OS?


Thank you
Tested both of them and got this error:
Error: 64bit is not automatically supported for this version of VC. Set HXCPP_MSVC_CUSTOM and manually configure the executable, library and include paths
Error: Error: 64bit is not automatically supported for this version of VC. Set HXCPP_MSVC_CUSTOM and manually configure the executable, library and include paths

They seem like very odd errors. Have you setup you hxcpp correctly? Might make sense to post on openfl forum, and just get a basic (no haxeui) openfl app working first, then add haxeui (just to keep things simple while your get your env working).
