I have a list view and use css to set the background image for the scroll ( how to set it using code ?!)
So I have
.common-list-scroll .scroll {
background-color: #0b0b0b;
border: none;
opacity: 0.5;
.common-list-scroll .scroll .button {
background-color: none;
opacity: 1;
background-image: lookup('common-list-scroll-image');
I load the following image and set it with StyleLookupMap.instance.set("common-list-scroll-image", <my_bitmapdata>);
I ) Here is the video with a list view to which I add few rows .
The problems are :
looks semi-transparent after I setopacity: 1;
in the css style did not change the size of the scroll button image .
For that reason scrollbutton stops to move after the middle . There is no more rows ,but if I use background-color ( not an image), the button is much larger and operates fine.
II ) Here is video where I set background-color: #ff0000;
( to be more visible where the problem is) and use the backgroundImage too.
The height of the scroll button ( is auto-calculated ) and depends on the number of items in the list view, which is fine when using a background color, but not for a background image.
The other problems is refreshenig of the background image of the list view rows and for the buttons. As I mentioned in another post, if I add data before the images are fully loaded, they are not visible and appear after the hover event ( video above) . For the Image component, this problem does not exist.
Maybe changing the background image should invalidate the component and refresh it?