GitHub - haxeui/haxeui-core at i18n
This branch is 522 commits ahead, 29 commits behind master.
It looks like this is similar to the New component method
GitHub - haxeui/haxeui-core at new-component-method
This branch is 504 commits ahead, 29 commits behind master.
because both of these branches have over 500 changes compared to the master branch.
My Haxe application requires i18n support in both Haxe and for output like GUI, Logs, etc.
What I can do:
Use a tool like KDiff3 (Difference and Merging tool)
I can locally on my own machine:
Download / unzip the Master
Download / unzip the i18n branch
Download / unzip the new-component-method branch
Merge all 3 and then try building with merged sources (could be impractical ?)
Only use i18n branch
Only use new-component-method branch
Something else you suggest ?
@ianharrigan, anyone ?
Looking for suggestions
Thanks for your input!