Trying to start with as simple as possible with pdcurses while still being useful IDE with forGL.
- textarea control does not show also slider control does not show
<listview id="dictionaryWordsList" width="200" height="150" selectedIndex="1">
<item text="factorial" />
<item text="Faktorial" />
<item text="felice" />
<item text="\x1B[1 Fib" />
<item text="from" />
<item text="geht" />
<item text="into" />
<item text="multiply" />
<item text="show" />
<hbox width="50%">
<vbox width="100%">
<section-header text="Output" />
<textarea width="150" height="100%" text="1 2 6 24 120" />
This looks mostly OK using Builder but on pdcurses the ListView is at the far RIGHT and nothing else shows
Basic Layout needed for now:
Text area at TOP messages from forGL (not included in example above I was failing with)
Text area at LEFT Word definition
List control at RIGHT List of Words from forGL Dictionary
Text area at BOTTOM Output of running Verb
Really, really need working sample code of pdcurses.
Ideal if the Top, and 2 middle windows and the Bottom window can be resized as needed by user.
Saw a sample screen capture earlier BUT really need some working code on pdcurses.