Sudden black screen

I’m hunting a difficult to reproduce bug where sometimes my haxeui-openfl html5 application just quits and shows a black screen. I doubt its origin is in haxeui. Could be openfl, or haxe/lime/rendering etc. Maybe out of memory stuff.

But I wanted to ask if you know anything about sudden black screens happening.
Haxeui github & the forum don’t seem to mention any occurrences.

Hmmm, hard to say, ive personally not seen that (with a haxeui / openfl app), but i have seen it when im running a bunch of VMs at the same time and hammering my system (memory wise as you say)… is there anything in dev tools when the app dies? But, yeah, sounds like an OOM issue to me… but certainly hard to know for sure.


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I have not yet been able to get a debugger on it unfortunately.

but what about if you open dev tools (F12 on chrome) and wait for it to die… is they any stack trace, or any indication at all of what went wrong?

No info yet. A couple of people all over the world ran into it. And I’ve seen it myself once, just too busy with deadlines to get more info. But I’ll keep trying, and should get something eventually.

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Rightyo - well, let me know if you managed to get more info would, of course, be interested to know what the issue is. My guess is openfl “something”, though ofc, haxeui-openfl could be causing openfl to misbehave also :slight_smile:


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