TableView click events

Hi Ian,
I have some problem to distinguish the click-events of a tableview with virtual data. I want different actions when I click on some (!) headers, an data-row and in some data rows I have a button which I also want to track with the click-events.

For the headers I use: HeaderColumnId.onClick = … - this works

For the buttons I use the tableview.onComponentEvent = function(e)… - this works
I use e.source to get the Button and to get the data row of the button.

For the data-row I use the tableview.onClick = function(e) … this is a bit unfortunate, because it fires for data rows and header rows and can’t find anything in the Event e to distinguish them. So I have to track if HeaderColumnId.onClick was fired before - but this requires me to track all HeaderColums…onClick.

I am on the html5 target and use haxeui from git. I haven’t tried if the other targets behave the same.
Is there an easier way to do what I want ?
Cheers, Adrian.

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Hi Adrian,

That sounds like a bug… the way you described your usage sounds totally sensible. Ill check it out.



Hi Adrian,

So actually the event you are using MouseEvent.CLICK isnt the right one… that applies to the whole control… i think the event you are after is UIEvent.CHANGE, eg:

            header1.onClick = function(e) {
                trace("header click");
            tv1.onComponentEvent = function(e:ItemEvent) {
                trace("component event: " + e.itemIndex + ", " +;
            tv1.onClick = function(e) {
                trace("component clicked");
            tv1.onChange = function(e) {
                trace("selection changed");

That help?


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Hi Ian,
perfect - now it’s working like expected. I didn’t realize, that the onChange Event works on TableViews.
