This is a very generic topic that’s for sure related to haxe itself and not to haxeui.
I’m wondering if anyone has faced this issue using http request and timeout.
For some reason I can’t get the timeout working, no matter the value, the connection closes only after a minute.
I have a simple Http object for which I set 1s timeout
this.httpCall = new Http(this.httpUrl);
this.httpCall.cnxTimeout = 1;
this.httpCall.onError = function (error) {
trace( + ' - ' + 'onerror');
trace( + ' - ' + 'request');
The cnxTimeout value is correctly set as I traced the request in sys.Http
If the url isn’t available the request get stuck for 1 min at least.
I didn’t found anything on haxe github or googling
targeting neko atm, I’ll try later targeting android