The more I learn about cross platform UI details (pitfalls), the more appreciation I have for what is HaxeUI and the help you give to us all. THANK YOU.
First some Ideas of forGL that need UI expression:
Eventually forGL will be partitioned into a headless Interpreter
GUI or “text mode” UI (like a console style app as it builds now)
Text mode now uses Escape sequences (similar to Curses) to Move/Color text output.
Most Important Features Needed
Full support for I18n Internationalization to support forGL operation in other languages for Users/Programmers not very fluent in English.
IDE style UI (early versions do not need to be very fancy but must be correct)
You had the start of an IDE
So this IDE was of interest not just to me but also all the other people that commented.
Really Nice To Have Features HaxeUI-core and the GUI target platforms:
Tree view display
This would be likely to be the first important improvement to the IDE but also likely to be generally useful for entire HaxeUI community.
yet another Haxe Interpreter
forGL will also (eventually) support typing in typical Haxe source code and being able to Interpret it. This is in addition to taking the very flexible syntax forGL directly supports now and rearranges syntax parts to be more like Haxe and other typical programming languages that Evaluate expressions on the Right side of an Assignment and put the results in the Left side.
IF the Haxe compiler was able to be embedded inside a Haxe application that would be ideal. But I do not know any feasible way to embed the Haxe compiler within a Haxe app.
So there is HScript as a less than full featured Haxe approach. My current thinking is to embed HScript to offer some Haxe support available inside the forGL interpreter.
You have extended HScript. Your approach was trying out a dynamically generated HaxeUI (if I understand correctly). A dynamically generated GUI would be useful not only in forGL but also to support application(s) written using forGL as a way to quickly prototype the GUI part of the new program made by a forGL User.
Suggestions for next steps? Thanks!