So i think some of what you are looking for is already doable, other things, not so much.
So firstly, there is a new and revisited (rewritten) haxeui-pdcurses backed - this isnt a test anymore and is now a fully fledged, supported, backend. Heres some tweets about it:
One big thing that is missing from this backend is text input: there is none. I dont think it would be too hard to do, but i just havent had time recently. Ill have a crack at it over the weekend (which i was planning on doing anyway).
HaxeUI already supports internationalization. As if par for the course, docs are a little thin on it at the moment, however, you can get an overview of it in HaxeUI v1.2 released!
The IDE is a still a thing, but i just havent had any real time (at all) to make any updates - i wouldnt be waiting around for that if i were you - a very basic one you could write in no time to be fair, but a complex, comprehensive IDE is a huge undertaking - and a massive time sink.
Treeview Display - ive been working on a treeview display actually (tweet: The component is actually complete, but the data source isnt - ill need to think about how best to structure it as at the moment you have to populate it all manually.
So as far as forGL itself, its obviously outside of the scope of haxeui and hscript-ex might be a valid approach, but i would warn you that it could be an issue. Things can get a little “wrong” when using hscript in general (its one of the reasons i removed all traces to it in later versions of HaxeUI). Dont get me wrong, hscript is great (and hscript-ex builds on that), but sometimes, it really is just to the wrong tool for the job. I know little to nothing about forGL ofc, so you’ll be in a better place to decide what does and doesnt make sense.
Hopefully that answers some of you questions!